3Style Stunt Scooters

3Style Scooters are a client i had been working closely with over the last few months. A brand that have been selling a range of childrens scooters and skateboards that have been Amazons best sellers.

They contacted us, as they wanted a range of stunt scooters designed and produced for the end of this year. Several designs were signed off and the first model was delivered to us to help market.

The generic shot on white was needed for Amazon purposes but this is a scooter that had to look cool and edgy… out came the grey backdrop and i got to work!

Angles and side lighting were critical in selling the imagery to the client and it payed off!

Setup: Grey backdrop | Strip lighting left & right | Octabox high and front.
Gear: Canon 5Dmkii | Canon 24-105mm f4