UFC Fight Poster

One of my past times, which took up alot of my life, was martial arts. It started with the traditional Karate and evolved into MMA. I enjoyed the latter alot and to be fair, i probably would still be active in it in someway or form if my knees didn’t give up on me. So MMA etc i hold very close to my heart.

It only seemed fitting to put together a fight poster in my 1 hour challenge for a match up i had looked forward to since it was announced!

The final colour of the poster i wasn’t sure on but i just wanted it to be relative to a UFC poster but just be bold in colour. Would i do it like this next time? Probably not? Would i like to have access to multiple photos of fighters? Absolutely.

This is something i would really love to start doing more of. I think one of my targets over the coming months is to link up with a fight gym or show and offer my photographic and design services and see where it goes.