Jade - Hylands Park, Chelmsford

I’d not worked with Jade before this shoot but good friend Johnny had recently just shot with her and recommended her to me and vice versa - this shoot ended up in a collaboration with Johnny, which was great!

I know Hylands park in Chelmsford really well and knew were to go with the outfit/colour choices Jade had brought to the shoot. Jade is very new to the modelling industry and took direction really well. In terms of posing, we stripped it back to a basic 3 pose guide: ‘to camera, instagram (look away) and smile. Although on paper these may sound silly, it helps the model feel at ease knowing that when i shout out a pose, its easy to remember what to do, instead of panicking and worrying what to do.

Model: Jade Cao

Gear: Sony A7iii / Tamron 28-75mm 2.8 / Large reflector