Katie Doran - Hylands park, Essex

It’s come to the end of the working year and i had pretty much 75% of my annual allowance left to use before the end of March. I managed to book a couple of weeks off together and thought i would try and get in a few shoots with people i haven’t worked with before. Timing hasn’t always been my strongest point and having two weeks holiday, whilst the pandemic that is the Corona Virus is taking over the country, wasn’t my finest moment. But alas, whilst i am symptom free and able to get out and about, i didn’t want to miss the opportunity to create.

Katie got in touch, when i put up an advert on my Instagram, looking to do a few TFP shoots in the area. We settled on a day and venue and it was booked! We have been in touch with each other for a while, potentially getting a shoot sorted, for then something to happen, but i was really excited to meet Katie in person and take a few shots.

We kept it simple with the outfits and comfort was the key. We shot at the fabulous Hylands Park, Chelmsford, where i roughly knew where i wanted to take the shots. Little did i know they have started to dig up areas and alot of the blossom etc wasn’t even blooming yet!

We utilised the areas we could and to be fair, Katie was super calm and confident with posing and looking great! I always find on these shoots, that i come away thinking “oh that was such a great shoot, why didn’t i do this or that” But thats the point of these introduction type shoots. You get to know one another and work out what looks good for the model. There is always ‘next time’ hopefully!

Check Katie out on instagram: @katiedoran_

Gear: Sony A7iii | Sigma 50mm 1.4 A | Godox AD200

Dan Maslanka