Three Wise Monkeys - Group shoot

As you may be aware, i have started to really enjoy attending group shoots as of late and when i heard about something that was organised at one of my favourite bars in Colchester, i had to try and get in on it!

I spoke to the organiser of the shoot, Kevin and got my name down on the reserve list. To be honest, i really wasn’t expecting to be able to go to this but it’s always worth having you name down as a reserve anyway. Well, a couple of days before the event, i was asked if i was able to come along as someone dropped out! Winning!

I didn’t really prepare or have too much gear with me for this shoot as i was coming straight from work. I wasn’t even really sure what the plan was but when we got access to the room, we had 5 areas and split up in pairs or small groups and worked with each model.

All the models were really lovely - There were 5 in total and due to me either getting a drink, gear breaking down or lack of hearing, i missed shooting 2 of the models.

I kept everything simple for each of the model. Using the seating or cool industrial backdrops to my advantage. Having not ever worked with any of the models there, it was a ‘jump in at the deep end’ type of night. Trying to keep the chit chat going and making a fool out of myself being top of the agenda. Each model took direction and even directed themselves, which was great when scenes became repetitive for them.

On the whole, i was fairly satisfied with the results. Probably would have had a lot more ‘keepers’ if my camera decided not to band on 10-20 shots. We live and learn.

Gear: Sony A7iii | Sigma 50mm 1.4 | Godox AD200

Dan Maslanka